Who is Our Heavenly Father to us?

I love thinking about the Father and His love for me. The desire for a loving father is deeply rooted in all of us, regardless of what our earthly fathers are like. I see it bubble up in myself as I read each of the scriptures that describe the Father. Many of his attributes are things I would have never chosen, but desperately need (loving disciplinarian). Others are so obvious and simple that I am surprised by the weight they hold in my life (He knows what I need).

Among an endless amount of things, here is who the Father is
to us…

He helps, defends, sustains, and loves the fatherless. (Psalm 10:14,18; 27:10)

He has compassion for his children. (Psalm 103:13)

He teaches us, gives us instruction and advice. Not a bad
gig since he knows everything. (Proverbs 1:8; 4:1; 6:20)

He disciplines us in love. Every loving father disciplines
his children, except His discipline is perfect. (Proverbs 3:12; Hebrews 12:7–11)

He delights in us. We bring him joy.  He rejoices over us with singing. (Proverbs 10:1, Zephaniah 3:17)

He is our Everlasting Father, so there will be no end to our
relationship with Him. (Isaiah 9:6)

He is perfect, as in fully complete in every way. He is
everything we want in a Dad…and more! (Matthew 5:48)

He knows what you need before you even think to ask. (Matthew 6:8)

He rewards us for our prayers and good deeds done in secret. The ones where no one sees but Him. (Matthew 6:4, 6)

He is always there in our secret places. We can not run or
hide from Him, even when we try. (Psalm 139:7–12)

He provides for our needs, and often in His grace, he
provides for our wants too. (Matthew 6:26)

He wants to give you good gifts, and He is pleased when you
ask Him for them. (Matthew 7:11)

Everything, even the smallest pieces of everyday life are
done according to His will and under His control. (Matthew 10:29)

One of His favorite pastimes is revealing truth to us. (Matthew 16:17)

He is always at work. Always moving. (John 5:17)

He is protective of us – no one can snatch us from his hand. (John 10:28–30)

He is pleased to give you the kingdom. (Luke 12:32)

Did I forget any attribute that you are especially fond of?


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